Learn more about adding value to your process with SMT™ and SMT V2™.
SMT™ and SMT V2™ unlock the maximum amount of oil and starch in a corn kernel. This patented process bolts onto your existing plant with no risk to prime operations, and it provides the platform for ICM’s FST™ and FST Next Gen™. SMT™ and SMT V2™ minimize your operational expense to make you more competitive. Start taking full advantage of every bushel and add more dollars to your bottom line. Millions more.
High shear forces cause the germ particle to release more corn oil for recovery.
Compared to other offerings on the market, SMT V2™ saves more energy through higher processing efficiency.
SMT™ and SMT V2™ release more starch for conversion to ethanol.
Learn more about adding value to your process with SMT™ and SMT V2™.
PO Box 397
310 N. First Street
Colwich, KS 67030-0397